seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

What happened to the first preemies?

-   When a child is born a significant amount of time before the calculated due date, a very critical phase begins for the newborn. A regular pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks, which begins directly after the last period. If a baby is born before the end of week 37, it is medically defined as a premature infant. The World Health Organisation WHO states that approximately 15 million children, or one in ten births, are too early.  

Malnutrition in hospitals

-   Traditionally, hospital cuisine is known to be light and low in energy so that it is gentle on a patient’s digestive system and can help restore general health. It is a fact that malnutrition can prevent the body from healing, and in some cases, undernourishment is often not diagnosed until it has already done damage. Malnutrition is a high risk factor for further health complications, mortality and increased days in hospital, costing the healthcare system billions every year.  

The XXL generation

-   Do you enjoy indulging in a delicious burger with bacon, cheese and barbecue sauce, but find it leaves you with a guilty conscience? If burgers, hotdogs and pizza are not a regular part of your diet, then there is no need to worry. If your menu consists mainly of fast food, ready-made products, and sweet or greasy meals, the situation is a bit different. Especially when the scale shows alarming numbers.  

The alphabet of a healthy heart – sports & exercise

-   A well-known saying promises us that hard work pays off. This is also the case when it comes to the hard work we put into exercising to stay fit. Exercise not only keeps us young and vital, it can positively influence our entire body. Studies have shown that an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of a large number of diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer. Sports positively affect our well-being. Working out relieves stress by emitting the happiness hormone serotonin. Working out has also become a therapeutic measure for light depression.  

The mechanical column scale – nostalgia with a modern spirit

-   With a manually adjustable sliding weight, the column scale exhibits a hint of nostalgia. The scales, made of cast iron, are often enhanced with elaborate details and artistic fonts. They are forefathers to the contemporary versions of a scale. But you won’t only find these in museums. Physicians offices, hospitals and fitness studios often prefer using manual scales. Mechanical column scales have the special advantage that deprived of electrical components, they do not require electricity. They are also known to be extremely robust and durable. Furthermore, higher weights can be determined in a more precise manner with a column scale.  

Other countries, other afflictions: A trip to Africa

-   From the Victoria Falls and wildlife of the Serengeti National Park, to the pyramids of Giza – Africa has many unforgettable adventures in store. To start your Africa journey, we recommend looking into health information several weeks beforehand. We’ve collected the most important medical tips for travelling to Africa:  

Is the BMI the measure of all things?

-   The Body Mass Index is the most common parameter for determining a patient’s health status. The formula was developed by Belgian mathematician and statistician Adolphe Quetelet in the mid 19th century for describing the average human in mathematical terms. The Quetelet-Index, the ratio between body weight in kilograms and square around body height, was not very popular and disregarded for a long time.