seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

The Hamburg medical engineering convention at seca

-   The Hamburg medical engineering convention HAMEK was founded by seca, the professional association Fachverband Biomedizintechnik (FBMT) and the Euritim Bildung + Wissen GmbH in 2014. Combining high quality lectures and trade exhibitions with insights into seca’s structures makes this event a unique experience. The participants and exhibitors’ growing interest has led to the HAMEK becoming an established event for medical technology. Tickets for taking part in the event, as well as spaces for exhibitors, were sold out in no time.  

Fresh mountain air – harmless, right?

-   For thousands of years, mountains have been captivating to humans. Discoverers have always been interested in testing physical boundaries, constantly reaching higher peaks in undiscovered mountain ranges. Today, a large amount of the general population travel into the mountains for regeneration and relaxation. Trekking tours are offered for groups to travel at large heights or to elevated places – these tours in the Alps, over the Andes, the Rocky Mountains or the Himalayan mountain ranges are becoming increasingly popular. Because of climate change; ski tourism locations have to be moved to higher regions every year. The highest ski areas lie between 3500m and almost 5000m.  

The history of hospital hygiene

-   In the early days of modern medicine, hygienic measures weren’t always considered to be very important. Between dissecting patients in pathology and treating immobile patients, doctors hardly ever changed robes. Hand-washing and disinfecting was also uncommon in the mid 19th century. The renowned Hungarian gynecologist Ignaz Semmelweis was the first to discover that a lack of hygiene could have a damaging effect on a patient’s health. He was working as an assistant doctor in obstetrics when he noticed that 30% of all women died of childbed fever in the department in which doctors and students worked, while the death rate was much lower in the department where only midwives cared for the…  

Nelly Kress and her winter wonderland

-   Nelly Kress works as nutrition coach and has successfully head her own practice in Berlin since 2015. In her practice, she offers extensive medical nutrition guidance for which she is nationally acclaimed. Aside from her therapy with patients, she often appears on TV and radio shows as an expert for nutrition and is very active on social media.  

A whole new linked world – seca 360° wireless

-   We live in a time of smartphones, laptops and wifi. Our daily lives are constantly affected by digitization and networking. In clinical daily life and in medical practice, technical progress is setting in slowly. A large amount of information and data is, to this day, still transmitted and saved manually. Pens and paper are still the most common tools for medical documentation. Even though, for juristical reasons, some information must be accessible on paper, more and more clinics and practices are switching to telematic and digital formats.  

Should I get a flu shot?

-   Winter is around the corner and with an increase in cold and rainy weather, it’s just a matter of time before the flu season begins. As December is usually the time for the first flu wave to set in, many doctors recommend flu shots in October and November. In case you are uncertain about getting a vaccine against the virus, the following information could help you make a decision.  

mBCA measuring results: how to interpret the BIVA

-   The bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has successfully been established as a diagnostic method for determining a patient’s body composition. The devices offered by seca, under the series seca mBCA, are renowned for their medically validated results and their significant amount of applications in clinical and ambulatory settings.