seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

How the GP can support to fight those kilos

-   As a New Year’s resolution, many people resolve to not only stop smoking, but also to lose weight by changing their diet and exercising regularly. Generally, the first step towards these goals is also the hardest and while many may start January with good intentions, their motivation drops noticeably over time. The most common reason for this is a lack of progress or visible results, especially when attempting to lose weight. After an initial quick success, the scales appear to stand still and further weight loss only progresses at a slow pace. With motivation dwindling, the danger of weight gain increases.  

Anorexia in men?

-   When we think of anorexia most of us imagine young teenage girls who try to emulate the models they see on tv and in magazines. Indeed, anorexia is one of the most dangerous and deadliest disorders for young women: a total of 1.1% of all women suffer from anorexia nervosa, its frequency peaking for women between the ages of 14 and 17. As a result, up to 15% of all patients die of the disease over the course of 15 years.   It often goes unnoticed that men can also be affected by the disorder. Yet anorexia in men is by no means a new development: even in the 19th century, a story in Heinrich Hoffmann’s children’s book “Struwwelpeter” depicts a boy who refuses to eat his supper and…  

Kidney failure: When the body’s inner filter system malfunctions

-   Our general knowledge of the kidneys and their multiple functions is rather limited when compared to other organs such as the heart, brain or intestines. Many people only realize the kidneys’ importance once the organ no longer works properly. Approximately 10% of the world's population suffers from chronic renal failure. Among them are approximately two million people who are dependent on hemodialysis (kidney dialysis) or a kidney transplant, due to terminal renal failure.  

The Family Doctor - A True All-Rounder

-   For millions of people, their family doctor (general practitioner or GP) is their first point of contact for anything related to their health. As our society keeps aging, the number of outpatients keeps steadily rising and because of this, medical practitioners are an important cornerstone of medical care. But what does their daily routine look like? What are their patients’ most common complaints and ailments?  

What do seca products have to do with the standard sized buttocks?

-   A large number of people from many different departments work hand in hand during the stages of development and production at seca. They all strive to create a product which ultimately satisfies all requirements in terms of quality, safety and accuracy. During this process, seca’s quality assurance is of particular importance. The QA department ensures not only that all of seca’s products meet the market’s and customers’ needs, but also seca’s high standards.  

From infant to toddler - developmental milestones

-   During the first few months of life, a child’s development progresses at a rapid pace, so much so that it feels like we could watch them as they grow. It is recommended to see a podiatrist for regular check-ups to make sure an infant develops properly. In this article, we will take a look at the stages a child goes through during its development between the 3rd month and their first year.  

Does constant availability in our job make us sick?

-   In a world of modern technologies, the boundaries between work and leisure are becoming increasingly blurred. Thus, almost 20% of 30 to 44 year olds no longer manage to escape from the daily routines of their professions during their vacation. At least once a week, a quarter of all employees read or reply to work-related e-mails outside of their regular working hours. On average, this amounts to 26 minutes of unpaid work. According to surveys conducted by Northern Illinois University, this diminishes the recreational value of leisure time and is seen as a burden by many workers. Because of this, some companies now switch off their servers during the weekend. But does our constant…