seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

Obesity – if only the scalpel could help

-   While most people can lose excess weight through dietary changes and exercise, for some it can be an almost impossible task. This is especially true for people with severe obesity and a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40kg/m². When the usual weight reduction methods have reached their limits, bariatric surgery is often the only way out.  

Should I skip breakfast or not?

-   International nutritional associations continue to stress the importance of a balanced breakfast. However, for many people, the “most important meal of the day“ has not been so important for some time. An estimated third of people in industrialised nations even misses out on breakfast altogether. Particularly in the light of the continually growing obesity epidemic, there are discussions around whether regular breakfast promotes weight gain or works against it.  

Surgeons Are Better Golfers

-   After work doctors often swap their stethoscopes for irons and drivers, and relax between the fairway and the green of the golf course. Researchers from the University of Boston have tried to find out whether, and to what extent, there is any truth to this cliché.  

Exercise is medicinal for body and mind

-   All over the world, millions of people go to the gym on a regular basis, seeking a slimline figure and a toned physique. But the focus is no longer on appearance alone, but on health too. The fitness sector is undergoing a sea change, with exercise increasingly being used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in gyms.  

The different fat tissues and their properties: an overview

-   Not all fat tissues are the same, they in their construction and function. When talking about body fat, this usually relates to the so-called white fat tissue. As storage fat, it provides insulation and builds up the body’s energy stores, while as construction fat it provides cushioning and stability.  

Easter – The beginning of the end for exercise routines

-   Regular exercise training is one of the most important foundations for achieving long-term health and fitness goals. Ideally, exercise should become part of your daily routine. Accordingly, 90% of people who regularly exercise state that they always exercise in fixed places or at fixed times, however, one of the dangers of established exercise habits is holidays. They can divert you from your daily routine and even have a negative effect on your attitude and motivation.  

Fat healthy, slim sick?!

-   Arterial hypertonia, type 2 diabetes and fat metabolism disturbances – all of these illnesses are encouraged by excess weight and obesity. Excess weight is therefore amongst the most important health risk factors. By contrast, normal weight is considered as preventive and health-promoting. Although, this simple correlation does not apply if metabolic health is considered.