seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

The alphabet of a healthy heart: high blood pressure

-   High blood pressure, or arterial hypertonia, is a widespread disease in Western society and counts as one of the main causes of cardiovascular illnesses, negatively affecting general life expectancy. Additional factors, such as excess weight, smoking, excessive drinking or diabetes, can significantly increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The medical term ‘blood pressure’ describes the amount of force that the blood running through our vessels reaches in relation to its surface. Our blood circulation is divided into high and low pressure systems. The arteries, which transport the blood high in oxygen away from the heart, contain far higher pressure than the veins responsible for…  

The alphabet of a healthy heart: high blood pressure

-   High blood pressure, or arterial hypertonia, is a widespread disease in Western society and counts as one of the main causes of cardiovascular illnesses, negatively affecting general life expectancy. Additional factors, such as excess weight, smoking, excessive drinking or diabetes, can significantly increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The medical term ‘blood pressure’ describes the amount of force that the blood running through our vessels reaches in relation to its surface. Our blood circulation is divided into high and low pressure systems. The arteries, which transport the blood high in oxygen away from the heart, contain far higher pressure than the veins responsible for…  

seca mVSA – a new era of vital parameter analysis

-   The seca medical Vital Signs Analyzer (mVSA) is an absolute novelty in regards to vital parameter measuring. The first device on the market to combine data from classic vital parameters and the bioimpedance analysis (BIA) in one exam, its high functionality and easy handling meet the highest standards for modern medical appliances. The device is built up modularly and can be configured individually as needed. Additionally, the device is equipped with the seca 360° wireless technology which enables the easy data transmission to other compatible products. The seca mVSA is clearly a unique and versatile medical device.  

What actually came of that ice bucket challenge?

-   You will most likely remember one specific campaign circulating the internet in the summer of 2014: celebrities and people from all over the world were dumping buckets of ice and water over their heads and documenting it on camera. Social media networks were full of these videos. However, did you know that this seemingly silly gesture has a serious background? The so-called ‘ice bucket challenge’ was created to raise awareness and funding for researching the unhealable disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). But what did this ice bucket challenge actually achieve?  

The fast food generation: children and adiposity

-   Nowadays, more and more children suffer from being overweight or obese. According to the KiGGS study from Robert-Koch-Institute, approximately 15% of all examined children in Germany are overweight, almost half of which suffer from adiposity. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, at least 41 million children up to age five are overweight or obese. The past few years have shown a tendency for even higher numbers. Half of the affected children are Asian, a quarter of them live in Africa, and most grow up in countries with low or medium income levels. A research team from the University of Auckland states that children in the USA are about five kilos heavier today than…  

Doctor visits for a baby’s first year

-   The first few weeks of parenthood are filled with many changes and new challenges. The newborn’s physical developments are in a state of constant transformation. To enable accurate documentation, we use different terms for the baby in each developing phase it passes through. Up until the fourth week, a baby is referred to as a newborn. After this, the infant phase begins, which lasts until the first birthday. Hereafter, the child becomes a toddler.  

Kilograms or pounds – that is the question

-   We use various different measuring units in daily life to define certain amounts, but we hardly ever stop to ask ourselves where these various units come from. Who decided how heavy one kilogram or one pound is? Most of us will be able to envision the approximate size of one kilo of flour or one pound of butter, but at some point someone must have decided how heavy exactly one unit would be and also which volume this weight would be related to.