seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

A whole new linked world – seca 360° wireless

-   We live in a time of smartphones, laptops and wifi. Our daily lives are constantly affected by digitization and networking. In clinical daily life and in medical practice, technical progress is setting in slowly. A large amount of information and data is, to this day, still transmitted and saved manually. Pens and paper are still the most common tools for medical documentation. Even though, for juristical reasons, some information must be accessible on paper, more and more clinics and practices are switching to telematic and digital formats.  

Should I get a flu shot?

-   Winter is around the corner and with an increase in cold and rainy weather, it’s just a matter of time before the flu season begins. As December is usually the time for the first flu wave to set in, many doctors recommend flu shots in October and November. In case you are uncertain about getting a vaccine against the virus, the following information could help you make a decision.  

mBCA measuring results: how to interpret the BIVA

-   The bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has successfully been established as a diagnostic method for determining a patient’s body composition. The devices offered by seca, under the series seca mBCA, are renowned for their medically validated results and their significant amount of applications in clinical and ambulatory settings.  

What happened to the first preemies?

-   When a child is born a significant amount of time before the calculated due date, a very critical phase begins for the newborn. A regular pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks, which begins directly after the last period. If a baby is born before the end of week 37, it is medically defined as a premature infant. The World Health Organisation WHO states that approximately 15 million children, or one in ten births, are too early.  

Malnutrition in hospitals

-   Traditionally, hospital cuisine is known to be light and low in energy so that it is gentle on a patient’s digestive system and can help restore general health. It is a fact that malnutrition can prevent the body from healing, and in some cases, undernourishment is often not diagnosed until it has already done damage. Malnutrition is a high risk factor for further health complications, mortality and increased days in hospital, costing the healthcare system billions every year.  

The XXL generation

-   Do you enjoy indulging in a delicious burger with bacon, cheese and barbecue sauce, but find it leaves you with a guilty conscience? If burgers, hotdogs and pizza are not a regular part of your diet, then there is no need to worry. If your menu consists mainly of fast food, ready-made products, and sweet or greasy meals, the situation is a bit different. Especially when the scale shows alarming numbers.  

The alphabet of a healthy heart – sports & exercise

-   A well-known saying promises us that hard work pays off. This is also the case when it comes to the hard work we put into exercising to stay fit. Exercise not only keeps us young and vital, it can positively influence our entire body. Studies have shown that an active lifestyle can reduce the risk of a large number of diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer. Sports positively affect our well-being. Working out relieves stress by emitting the happiness hormone serotonin. Working out has also become a therapeutic measure for light depression.