seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

Unwanted weight loss - when is it cancerous?

-   Unexplained fever, heavy night sweats and unwanted weight loss are summarized as B symptoms and occur in a variety of malignant and infectious diseases. This symptom triad is often found in advanced tumor diseases and is considered to be prognostically unfavorable. The cause is the high energy requirements of dividing tumor cells and the chemical agents released by them.  

Does the Keto diet really work?

-   A lot of people highly value a slim waist and a healthy diet. For this reason, new food trends and alternative diets are becoming more and more popular. As soon as Spring starts, the media releases numerous articles about new "Superfoods" and "miracle diets" - always promising easy and long-lasting weight loss, as well as positive side effects for our health. Yet the example of the popular "Atkins diet" from a few years ago reminds us that dietary trends should always be scrutinized.  

Patients expect medicine 2.0

-   The concept of digitization has become indispensable in today's world. At the end of the 20th century, a process based on technological advances and increasing digitization accelerated and fundamentally changed many aspects of life. In the style of the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries and the associated economic, political and social changes, digitization is already being referred to as the "digital revolution". Above all, the Internet is the engine and hub of this change. Along with other technologies, it has had a major impact on communication, work processes, and social and consumer behavior.  

Smart Hospital – a rocky road ahead?

-   Away with our analogue past - the future speaks digital. In many areas, this vision is already a reality. The digital revolution initiated a process that profoundly changed our daily lives.F And finally, after years of reluctance and rejection, the paradigms have started to shift within the healthcare industry. While in the past, the use of computer systems was often considered uncomfortable and time-consuming, today digitization is considered an opportunity and a viable approach. While many industries embraced a digital transformation years ago, in many places modern medicine is still at the beginning of its digital path. So-called "Smart" or "Intelligent Hospitals" are slowly emerging…  

A gluten-free diet: is it healthy or harmful?

-   A crossed-out head of grain – lately this symbol has been marking more and more food products as gluten-free. Not only are they found on supermarket shelves, but restaurants are also increasingly serving gluten-free versions of popular classics. But where has this sudden interest in the gluten-free diet come from?  

High sugar tax - low sugar content

-   Sugar is a cost-efficient flavor carrier that is widely used in the food industry. Especially heavily processed foods - such as pre-made meals and sweets - contain large quantities of sugar. As the sugar content of food and drinks steadily rises, so does the consumption per capita. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum of 25 grams or six teaspoons of sugar per day per person. However, the daily consumption often exceeds the recommended amount many times over in many countries. In the long run, this excessive consumption of sugar carries great risks to our health, as too much sugar is one of the main causes of obesity and metabolic diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes…  

Heavy weights for heavyweights?

-   Obesity is a global health problem that comes with serious consequences to our health and high expenses for our health care system. Malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are considered to be among the main causes of obesity for all age groups. Although changing our lifestyle is known to be an effective and cost-efficient way to prevent and treat this condition, many people struggle regularly to change their diets and stay on track with exercising. When you are overweight, your weight can be a limiting factor, as physical activities become increasingly difficult with higher risks of injury - contributing to a loss in motivation.