seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

Extreme Santa Claus - millions of home visits, billions of calories

-   Every year, a somewhat outdated man with a white beard and red robe leaves his home in the Arctic and accomplishes impossible things. Between the sunset of Christmas Eve and the first rays of sun on Christmas morning, he flies all over the world in a sleigh pulled by reindeer and gives presents to all the children who believe in him.  

Christmas - A global calorie feast

-   In just a few days, the Christmas table will be covered again with all sorts of amazing dishes and in a short time thousands of kilocalories will be consumed. Even while people feast across the world, there are clear differences in the eating habits of individual countries. In many cases this raises the question of how many kilocalories people actually consume during the holidays and how they can survive without a higher weight gain.  

“Many overweight persons fail at losing weight because they lack knowledge.”

-   There are several reasons why our attempts at losing weight may fail. 44% of all those who are affected by obesity (those above a BMI of 30) attribute their failing to a lack of stamina, while 42% attribute it to frustration when a success does not show quickly enough, and 28% lack confidence that they’ll succeed in the first place. To help more obese people reach their goals, a better education and a deeper understanding of your own body is needed. Dr. Heike Niemeier, oecotrophologist and nutritionist, helps patients by measuring and analysing their body composition with the seca mBCA. This method clarifies where the excess weight comes from and what exactly needs to be done to reduce it.…  

"The change in body composition reveals customer success very early."

-   Anyone who understands the causes of obesity also understands that we cannot lose weight as fast as certain unrealistic dietary guidelines might promise. Knowing the reasons behind obesity increases a person’s willingness to stick to long-term exercise and dietary plans, while simultaneously improving their eating habits. The seca mBCA offers further support to lose weight by visualising the changes in fat and muscle mass in the body, among other things. This concrete visualisation helps almost every other obese person (37% *) to stay committed. For Stefanie Wirtz, specialist coordinator in the Adiposity Center Lüneburg, measurements with the seca mBCA are therefore part of successful…  

"Knowing my inner values helps me find my way through the weight loss jungle."

-   It might sound counterproductive, but using the scales while trying to lose weight can be detrimental. 51% * of those affected by obesity feel demotivated if the scales do not display a lower number after they have suffered through their first weeks of restrictions, putting in effort and physical exertion. Together with their motivation, their the willingness to exercise and to alter their diet may disappear too, causing them to become one of 85% of * those whose weight loss attempts fail in the long term. Better than checking the scales, again, is to directly analyze our body composition which immediately determines any changes in body fat, muscle mass, and body water.  

Holidays for your heart!

-   In today's performance-driven world, people are working longer hours as their work continues to be a priority over their recreational and leisure time - but exhaustion and work stress have been shown to negatively affect physical and mental health.  

Big countries, yet little exercise

-   There is no doubt about the positive effect exercise has on the body. Regular physical activity not only prevents obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, but it is also protects us from developing various types of tumors and dementias, as well as mental illnesses. It also increases physical and mental performance and can positively influence the course of an already developed disease.   The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a weekly minimum of 150 minutes of exercise or 75 minutes of intensive endurance training for adults. However, to enjoy additional health benefits, the times given should be doubled. In addition, exercises should be performed to strengthen…