seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

How much sleep is healthy for you?

-   Sufficient sleep is essential for good health. And yet, our modern lifestyles are causing us to sleep poorly, and far too little. Chronic sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are suspected to facilitate the development of obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, thus increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, according to current recommendations, adults should sleep for seven to nine hours a day. At the same time, the question arises as to whether longer sleep is automatically healthier.  

High blood pressure in children – the risk of excess weight

-   Excess weight, a lack of exercise, poor diet, smoking – all these factors contribute to the development of arterial hypertension. While this was once considered a disease of middle and old age, new studies indicate that children and adolescents may also be increasingly affected.  

More time for midwives

-   The profession of the midwife is one of the oldest in the world. Despite its age-old and volatile history, even today it is still widely underestimated and misunderstood. Worldwide, midwives not only help women to give birth, but also play an important role in the health of mothers and their children.  

Exercising - an ally against dementia

-   The first signs of dementia can be increased forgetfulness, repetition of the same questions or even confusing the time or day. Especially in its early stages, the symptoms are subtle and often interpreted as normal signs of aging, by those affected and their loved ones.   But dementia is on the rise, with approximately 48 million people affected worldwide. Dementia develops as we age and is characterized by a progressive loss of mental faculties. While less than two percent of people over the age of 60 are affected by it, the percentage rises to between 30% and almost 50% for people over the age of 90. Due to our increasing life expectancy, the number of people suffering from dementia has…  

Anti-aging medicine: aging in a healthy way

-   Since the beginning of time, mankind has dreamt of influencing the aging process and counteracting the progressive physical decline of humans. Thanks to growing insights and initial experimental success, this dream could soon be within reach.  

The traffic light rating of food - a remedy for obesity?

-   Many people are unaware of how unhealthy their regular groceries can be. Unbeknownst to them, they consume tons of sugar, salt and fat, which are hidden as cheap flavor enhancers in many industrially processed products.  

Beach body at the last-minute?

-   For many people, the Summer holidays are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of the year. But for others, thoughts of swimming in a pool, at the beach or the lake cause them discomfort and can even dull their anticipation. Unsurprisingly, there are countless ads offering miracle diets and last minute training programs to lose weight quickly. But to what extent can these promises be trusted?