seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

A historic discovery: the seca Pelikan baby scale

-   Recently, a surprising and unique discovery, with a highly ideological and historical value for seca has been made: in Poland, a fully functional seca Pelikan baby scale from the year 1938 has been found. If these scales could share their story, they would tell us of many exciting but also dramatic and tragic events. Not only did it survive the Second World War entirely intact, but it also shared a family’s fate and their postwar odyssey of many years.  

How our psyche influences our nutrition (part 2)

-   When the weather is cold and uncomfortable, staying in for a movie night on the couch seems more appealing than jogging outside through the park. On top of that, temptation comes in the form of chocolate or chips, completing our cozy evening at home. But why do we have such an appetite for fatty or sweet foods?  

How our psyche influences our nutrition (part 2)

-   When the weather is cold and uncomfortable, staying in for a movie night on the couch seems more appealing than jogging outside through the park. On top of that, temptation comes in the form of chocolate or chips, completing our cozy evening at home. But why do we have such an appetite for fatty or sweet foods?  

The history of scales in short

-   seca and the column scale: The history of weighing is closely connected to the development of human civilization and the origin of scale mechanisms can be traced back to thousands of years ago. However, scales have only been in our homes and in the medical sector for less than 200 years. How did these simple measuring tools develop into the modern and highly precise devices we know today?  

How healthy is a glass of red wine really?

-   Many daily occasions almost automatically include alcohol: a glass of red wine for dinner, some sparkling wine for a celebration or simply enjoying a beer after a long day. Consuming alcohol is a socially acceptable, widespread phenomenon. But what effects do these habits have on our health? For a long time, red wine was said to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. A moderate consumption can supposedly positively influence the HDL cholesterol levels, prevent arteriosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.  

The Christmas trap: six important tips for keeping in shape

-   It’s actually not the time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, in which we gain the most weight, but the entire year between the first day of the New Year and the next Christmas season. If we follow a well-balanced diet all year long, and regularly participate in sports, then enjoying sweet treats during the Christmas season will not have any effect on our physique. That is, of course, if we indulge in moderation. With the help of the following tips you will be able to enjoy the festive season whilst preserving your figure.  

The femoral neck fracture – cause and consequences

-   Cold weather and icy roads increase the risk of injury from incidental slipping this season. Young people will often get away with a few painful bruises, but for people of older age, falling can become a serious issue. The upper arm and upper leg bones are most likely to be affected in such cases. A femoral neck fracture is one of the most critical injuries of the elderly – a medical emergency, as the longer the fracture remains untreated, the higher the risk is of complications, potentially causing death.