seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

The doctor scale – designed to fit your medical practice

-   In Germany, most patients can freely choose the examining doctor when in ambulatory treatment. Rivalry between medical providers is rarely discussed, yet nowadays, patients expect much more than just professional competency and good treatment from a doctor. Many will read up on the doctor in question on the internet. A professional internet presence is as important as a broad area of expertise in medicine and an appealing, well-equipped practice. Aside from the medical and personal aspect, the patient’s subjective perception plays an essential role when choosing a doctor. This subjective view can be positively influenced by means of unique features. While developing our new weight scale, we…  

Merle Henning: health is individual

-   In seca’s history of over 175 years, human health has always been the company’s main focus. It is the patients who benefit from the high quality devices and it is the people who have dedicated their lives to health care. By offering customized products and solutions, seca aims to support patients and the day to day work of people in health care, in the best possible way.  

Beaches, rice fields and mega cities in one trip

Other countries, other afflictions: Asia

-   Southeast Asia is a fashionable travel destination. Millions of tourists flock to countries like Thailand and Vietnam for their beaches, culture and culinary highlights. Yet when visiting these areas, one should pay special attention to certain health aspects.  

How healthy are superfoods really?

-   So-called superfoods have become an established alternative for basic healthy nutrition. They are said to contain many health-supporting elements, that claim to be healthier than basic natural nutrients. We would like to take a critical look at what hides behind the appraisal of these popular superfoods. In this article, we will explore their effects and offer possible alternatives.  

Osteoporosis – honey, did I shrink?

-   Osteoporosis, also known as bone atrophy, is the most common bone disease among the elderly. The main effects of osteoporosis are a reduction of bone substance and the decrease of bone mineral density.  

Summer, sunshine, sun burns – how to protect your skin

-   With the beginning of summer vacation, the weather is finally starting to feel like summer. Many people on vacation will use their time to extensively sun bathe and that is why it’s so imperative to remember to use the right sun protection. Sunburns significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer – especially during childhood.  

Protein shakes – magic bullets or a costly advertisement lie?

Nutritionist Nelly Kreß explains if and why an additional protein supplement is necessary

-   There are currently many different dietary supplements available on the market which contain an increased level of protein. Most of these products are protein shakes made from egg white. Their producers advertise these supplements to support muscle buildup and burning fat. For this reason, my patients often ask me whether they should add protein shakes to their training plan or diet. There is no one answer that is applicable to everyone.