seca stories

Here you will find an overview of all seca stories

The alphabet of a healthy heart: Fats

No more butter on your bread!

-   There is no nutritional component in the foods we eat that is as ambivalently treated as fat. The older generations praise fats as an essential energy source, which is strongly linked to their experiences during post war and the golden era. The younger generations don’t want to abstain from fats because of their ability to naturally enhance flavours. Yet nearly everyone who sets high value to a healthy nutrition plan, will have a guilty conscience when eating fatty products.  

Other countries, other afflictions

-   Every summer, millions of people travel to cities all over the world. The main goal for many travellers is to find relaxation and discover new countries and new cultures. To be able to completely enjoy your time abroad, the health aspects of such a journey should be taken into account. In our travel column we regularly share current and country specific information as well as practical health tips for spending time in foreign countries.  

Deep vein thrombosis – an avoidable travel mishap

-   The summer vacation season is about to begin, and for many people this is the busiest time of the year for traveling to faraway destinations by plane or bus.  

Determining your body composition in only 17 seconds

-   Part 1: seca mBCA 515 – Precise results in just a few steps:   Imagine having a machine in your practice, which can not only determine precise measurement data for your patients’ body compositions, but can also graphically display this information on a monitor – in only 17 seconds! The seca mBCA 515 was designed to do exactly this. The best part is that during the device’s development, we placed a strong emphasis on user friendliness, so as to offer you the best support in your daily work.   We guarantee your satisfaction.  

The alphabet of a healthy heart: Sugar

-   Of all illnesses, many people are most afraid of suffering from a heart attack. And rightly so. Cardiovascular disease is now the most common cause of death in industrial nations such as Germany or the USA.  

seca mBCA in medical research

-   Summer has arrived, and with it, the longing for a nice tan from lying on a sunny beach somewhere along an ocean shore. But what if the digits on our scale show numbers far from our ideal weight? Our New Year’s resolutions to become more fit and live healthier often lose priority after a few weeks. Only to remind us right before summer vacation, that we had planned to look better in a bathing suit this season. This is when most of us will decide to go on a diet. In magazines, drug stores and pharmacies, you can find a large number of diets and diet products that promise an easy and permanent weight reduction.  

TOFI – Thin On The Outside, Fat On The Inside?

-   A slim figure and a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5 kg/m² and 25 kg/m² is of extreme relevance today, as being overweight or suffering from adiposity is proven to lead to a number of diseases. However, the term ‘fat’ doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with being fat. Not every pad of fat on our body will inevitably lead to an illness.