Looking for a job with perspective?
Come to seca, the world's market leader!
Motivation is a powerful driving force. We at seca know this very well. Those who would like to be successful with us in the long term should enjoy their work. So how about a job that fits with your skills? How about tasks that you enjoy handling and that help you develop a little bit further every day?
Our company is the market leader everywhere seca is present internationally. With medical measuring systems and precision scales on which doctors, medical engineers, nutrition experts, and nursing staff can rely in more than 110 countries. seca has stood for the highest quality, innovation, and absolute reliability for over 175 years – and we are doing everything to keep it that way in the future as well.
seca is a rapidly growing family business. We are so successful because our employees can contribute their ideas and suggestions. So we don't just put off decisions but rather immediately address innovations and improvements. More than 200 employees work at our headquarters in Hamburg and we are proud that we are also internationally successful as the worldwide market leader with 18 branches and a total of approximately 500 employees.
"We offer demanding people a platform to work with seca to ensure its market leadership in the long term."
- Frederik Vogel, Managing Director Development & Manufacturing
Admittedly, we also expect commitment and good performance from our employees. At the same time we do a lot to be counted among the best employers in the industry.
Latest offers:
Your new dream job at seca
Wir gehen neue Wege und entwickeln Innovationen, die unseren medizinischen Anwendern rund um den Globus dabei helfen, Menschen noch besser zu behandeln. Dazu gehören neben der Neuentwicklung von Hardware und Software beispielsweise auch Validierungsstudien, dank denen unsere BIA-Lösungen die Körperzusammensetzung mit bislang unerreichter Genauigkeit bestimmen. Mit dem Bestreben, Neues zu schaffen, nehmen wir im Bereich des medizinischen Messens und Wiegens eine Vorreiterrolle ein. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere Investition in Forschung und Entwicklung von der Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage (BSFZ) mit dem FuE-Siegel ausgezeichnet wurde und durch eine staatliche Zulage gefördert wird.
Our success stories:
People who make seca successful
Ilka Balsliemke
Quality Management Representative
As a Quality Management Representative you are responsible for ensuring that seca maintains the high standard of quality to which it has committed itself each and every day. You ensure that all processes and products meet the high internal requirements as well as the legal guidelines.
Henning-Hoa Tran
Production Specialist
As a production specialist, with every action you make a decisive contribution to seca offering products of the highest quality. You work at various assembly islands, assemble and calibrate our scales, check the functionality of the end products, and are responsible for the labeling and packaging of our products.
Antonio Cordova
General Manager
As General Manager of an international branch you have the great opportunity to perpetuate seca's course of growth in your area of operation. Together with your team you develop and implement regional sales and marketing strategies. Your tasks include both the introduction of innovative products and services as well as the training and support of retailers and business partners on location.
Joachim Falk
Service Technician
As a Service Technician your work directly impacts the satisfaction of our customers. You are responsible for the repairs of our products in-house at the Hamburg location. This work requires you to have an instinct for technology and to enjoy interacting with our customers.
Kirsten Huß
Project Manager Research & Development
As Project Manager Research & Development you initiate innovation projects and work to turn innovative ideas into marketable products of the highest precision and quality.
seca on the Internet
A strong brand, even online
We will be happy to help you
The seca HR team
Today's special offer:
Your new dream job at seca
Trainee Programs & Apprenticeship
Werkstudent Informationssicherheit (m/w/d)
Kaufmann/-frau für Marketingkommunikation Mit Option auf das Triale Modell
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Metalltechnik (m/w/d)
Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann/-frau (m/w/d) – Mit Option auf das Triale Modell
Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker-/in für Systemintegration (m/w/d) - Mit Option auf das Triale Modell
Finance & Administration
Quality & Services
No Jobs available.
Marketing & Sales
Team Manager mBCA Medical Deutschland/Österreich (m/w/d)
Marketing Manager - mBCA Medical (m/w/d)
Marketing Automation Manager (m/w/d)
International Area Sales Manager (m/w/d)
Inside Sales Manager Medical Fitness (m/w/d)
Customer Success Manager mBCA Medical (m/w/d)
Product Management
Materials Management & Logistics
Research & Development
Technical Service
No Jobs available.
International Service & Integration Solutions
No Jobs available.
seca application process
Trainee Programs & Apprenticeship
No Jobs available.
No Jobs available.
Finance & Administration
Quality & Services
No Jobs available.
Marketing & Sales
Product Management
No Jobs available.
Materials Management & Logistics
No Jobs available.
Research & Development
No Jobs available.
No Jobs available.
Technical Service
International Service & Integration Solutions
No Jobs available.
seca human resources.
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