Corporate values

The corporate characteristics

Health with certainty. It is often the little things in life that are of great importance. In everyday medical practice sometimes a single gram can make all the difference in terms of our health. With seca, you have a partner at your side supplying you with the basis for your work at the highest level: with ultra-precise, timeless modern scales and measuring systems. SInce 1840 we have been paving the way for measuring and weighing, making us the worldwide market leader in our field. This trust in us encourages us to continue with the same level of commitment every day.  

Looking ahead together. From product development to on-site application, regular communication with you is an important indicator for improvements. Your wishes and experiences with our products provide us valuable reference points for groundbreaking system solutions so that your patients and clients feel as certain as possible that they are well provided for. We also simplify your work responsibilities by supporting you during diagnosis for faster health assessment. Using new technologies with new advantages.

High-quality yet down to earth. Each result is only as good as the individual steps it took to get there. That is why top quality is our highest priority in all stages of production. Measurably. Because certainty and trust don't come easy.

On location worldwide. From product training to repairs, after your purchase all it takes is one call and we will be there for you. Worldwide.

Your personal contact. Our premium scales and length measuring devices are available exclusively from your dealer. Your dealer is intensively trained and knows every detail of all seca products in order to be able to give you the best answer to any question so that your mind is clear to focus on the wellbeing of your patients.

Our design

When everything fits together

Award-winning design. Our designers are continuously working on new designs that fulfill the requirements of both timelessly upscale appearance and groundbreaking advantages in order to give you the user a better feeling during your daily work. It is very rewarding when our special commitment is truly appreciated. So far we have received numerous design prizes and awards for our products. Thank you very much! We will simply continue forward as we have been and continue to think outside the box.

Milestones in development. There are awards that have special significance. One of these is the "red dot: intelligent design" award. This special award for groundbreaking design is given exclusively to products that are considered milestones in industrial design. We are very pleased that our seca 664 wheelchair scale is one of them.

Everything done right: Four seca products received the "red dot award" and five scales were honored with the "iF product design award" from iF Industrie Forum Design.

These products received both awards:

  • The seca 374/376 baby scale
  • The seca 709 column scale
  • The seca 700/711 column scale
  • The seca 755/756 column scale

The "iF product design award" was also given to the
seca 764/763 weighing and height measuring station.
What will be next?

Our quality

Top shelf

How can we help you? We first determine what you need in a private meeting. Which scale has which advantages and is just right for your application? Naturally you can also have your desired product demonstrated and take your time to try it out ahead of time without any binding obligation to buy.

We will also be glad to help you if you have any questions about the legal standards and guidelines regarding medical products.

Everything under control. No matter how great a product is, we are never satisfied with what we have already achieved. For us to achieve our corporate philosophy of having the best of tomorrow today, we work exclusively with high-quality materials and state-of-the-art production methods. An internal quality management system regulates and documents all processes during development, production, sales, and service. A seca product goes through a comprehensive final check before leaving the corporate premises in order to ensure that we always deliver the highest quality.

Independent experts also regularly inspect all procedures for potential optimizations. We then immediately implement any improvements that can be made anywhere to ensure optimal quality.

So precise! When dealing with precise weighing, there is nothing that needs to be balanced: We show zero tolerance for deviations in the accuracy of the measurement results. That is why we calibrate every scale so that they are proven to show the most extremely precise results. Nothing else holds any weight for us.

Naturally we work with the official approval of the authorities who support our strict quality assurance system. You can get approximate estimates that may apply to some extent from somewhere else...

Worldwide service network. Our technical customer service is there for you right when you need it. That means now! This is guaranteed by our worldwide service network currently consisting of 10 seca branches and the medical technology dealers who have received top training from us. Quite effective.

Our innovations

Real assistance

As a user of seca products, your wishes and criticisms are decisive factors that often put us ahead of our times. As a company filling in the gaps of new market requirements, we offer advanced product solutions that simplify your workflow by shortening the time required for routine procedures and avoiding errors. It there a better way that we can adapt our products to your needs? We attempt to answer this question everyday in collaborative cooperation with doctors, hospital nurses, nurses for the elderly, development aid workers, and medical researchers. In short: with you!

It is only in this way that we will continue to be able to place technical masterpieces in the market in the future as well. seca provides you real assistance for the widest variety of requirements.