Spot-check Vital Signs Monitor
We make taking vital signs EASY
We realize that the working environment for medical staff is complex. This is precisely why we developed the seca mVSA, a spot-check monitor that simplifies and quickens the routine task of capturing patient vitals (blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate, SpO2) in less than 60 seconds.
seca EQ BP™
True screening of hypertension with confi gurable seca EasyQuick infl ation Blood Pressure mode, seca EQ BP™: take 6 readings automatically in 30 minutes with the seca EQ BP™ average mode (BP30), or the average of 3 readings with the seca EQ BP™ sprint mode. A single reading can be taken in under 20 seconds.
Prevent transcription errors, increase patient safety, streamline workflow and gain more time with patients – this is what seca vital signs integration into your EMR system can achieve for you.
With the seca 360° proximity technology, the seca mVSA can gather height and weight measurements from EMR-validated seca scales and measuring stations, thereby improving and standardizing base parameter acquisition.
The ultimate product protection and savings to maximize the value of your seca mVSA spot-check vital signs monitor.
seca service program offers an effective way to minimize disruptions to your patient workflow. When unexpected equipment downtime occurs, especially for heavily used vital signs monitors, it’s imperative to have a replacement service with fast turnaround to minimize downtime.
Advanced replacement service can immediately provide you with an equivalently configured unit to ensure minimal downtime
Maximum uptime for your spot-check vital signs monitor providing peace of mind with a replacement unit
Priority access to latest seca software updates and upgrades
Optimize your investment with a convenient one-, three- or five-year contract
Outstanding Engineering Technicians dedicated to our nationwide customers. Operating times: 9-7 EST, 8-6 CST, 6-4 PST
Toll-free service hotline: +1 800 542 7322
To explore further details about the seca mVSA, kindly complete our customer inquiry form. Feel free to drop us a line or two if you have any specific requests or inquiries.
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