Injury and rehabilitation
The key to return to performance - the seca mBCA.
- Assists in closely monitoring changes in body composition during injury.
- Basis for rehabilitation therapy goals.
- Segmental analysis of muscles (arms, legs, trunk) helps to define specific physiotherapy treatment.
- Monitors body composition over time.
Pre-season training camp
Only perfect preparation secures future success.
- The evaluation of fat and muscle mass is valuable before commencing competition training or pre-season training camps.
- Experienced sports physicians may define cut-off values for specific sports or certain positions in order to optimize performance capacity.
Young trainees
Small size, big potential.
- Young trainees often lack skeletal muscle mass to be competitive.
- Custom-tailored muscle development trainings and nutrition therapies are applied.
- Increase of muscle mass should be regulated to prevent agility deficits.
- seca mBCA is the ideal tool for these purposes.
Ota yhteyttä.
secan myynti.
Voit ottaa yhteyttä myyntiosastoomme ja kysyä tuotteistamme sähköpostilomakkeella.
Suomessa secan myynnistä vastaa seca finland. Asiakaspalvelumme on avoinna arkisin, josta 09 – 8780 0000. Voit myös laittaa meille sähköpostia osoitteeseen
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