seca mBCA Go

seca mBCA Go

seca mBCA Go

Medical Body Composition Analyzer for determining body composition in a lying position

The seca mBCA Go is the compact and mobile BIA solution for determining muscle mass, fat mass and total body water. Further parameters are the phase angle, the amount of visceral fat and the proportions of intracellular and extracellular water. The patented measuring mat enables quick and convenient measurement while lying down. The measurement is automatically synchronised with the cloud software via WLAN and can be evaluated on any device, be it a smartphone, tablet or laptop.

seca mBCA Go Landingpage

  • Specially designed and validated for mobile medical use
  • Unique accuracy through whole body MRI validation (skeletal muscle mass) and 4C model (fat-free mass)
  • Patented measuring mat: bia in supine position is finally comfortable, precise and easy
  • Validation studies are bundled and published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2013/2017, among others
  • Cloud-based software: simple and intuitive analysis on any device with internet access
  • Quickly understandable and clear graphics with reference ranges for ideal diagnostic support
  • Precise results guaranteed: on-screen instructions guide you through the entire measurement process
  • Suitable for children from the age of five without minimum height requirement

Informacje o produkcie

Dane techniczne produktu i wsparcie

Dane techniczne

Typ Ekranu: Touchscreen
Zasilanie: Zasilacz, Akumulatory
Wymiary (SxWxG): 252 x 262 x 230 mm , 9.9 x 10.3 x 9.1 inch
Waga netto: 3 , 6.6
Interfejsy: WLAN, Ethernet
Czas pomiaru: 30 seconds
Segmenty pomiarowe: right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, right half of body, left half of body, torso
Metoda pomiaru: 8-point Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Częstotliwości pomiaru: 1; 2; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100; 200; 500 kHz
Prąd pomiarowy: 100 µA
Funkcje: podświetlenie, sygnały dźwiękowe mogę być aktywowane, resetowanie, interfejs bezprzewodowy, Pomiar w pozycji leżącej, Wprowadzenie danych pacjenta, zachowanie danych pacjenta, przełączanie jednostek pomiaru kg/lbs, automatyczne wyłączanie, automatyczne wyłączanie
CE: 0123
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