Arab Health 2015:
Effective Tools for Obesity Consultation and Therapy Monitoring.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of overweight persons has tripled in the past 20 years. All the dieting tips available in the media have done little to affect the trend. As more and more people become seriously overweight, the need for professional help increases too.
At Arab Health 2015, seca will present product solutions that support the doctor with obesity consultation and therapy monitoring, such as seca directprint and seca mBCA.
seca directprint is the ideal tool for qualified and efficient weight consultation. It provides reliable data on height, weight and BMI and personalizes the information for each patient. The printout is the perfect basis for medical advice and additional treatment.
The medical Body Composition Analyzer seca mBCA shows whether the prescribed therapy brings the desired results. The differentiated view of fat, muscle mass and water permits close monitoring of the course of treatment and also delivers early indications of many medical conditions.
seca at Arab Health 2015: Stand 2C19
Arab Health takes place at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre from 26 to 29 January 2015.
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