A whole new linked world – seca 360° wireless

- We live in a time of smartphones, laptops and wifi. Our daily lives are constantly affected by digitization and networking. In clinical daily life and in medical practice, technical progress is setting in slowly. A large amount of information and data is, to this day, still transmitted and saved manually. Pens and paper are still the most common tools for medical documentation. Even though, for juristical reasons, some information must be accessible on paper, more and more clinics and practices are switching to telematic and digital formats.

A functioning network with an automatic data transmission can save a lot of time. Writing down data by hand, opening software and patient records and manually inputting the patient’s information into a system is no longer necessary. These small actions might only take a few minutes here and there, but added up, the more patients to document means more time spent on documenting. Another positive aspect of automatic transmission is that common mistakes can be avoided. Transposed digits and often unreadable handwriting of many doctors is no longer an issue. seca not only offers high quality devices in measuring and weighing technology, the company also develops innovative solutions for optimizing the daily workload. The seca 360° wireless system was developed for exactly this purpose.

All seca premium products that are marked with the seca 360° wireless symbol can transmit measuring data wirelessly from one device to another, or to a computer. The networking advantages are obvious: the seca mBCA 525 and the measuring station seca 287 for example, can optimally communicate with each other and complement one another. The seca 287 is an ultrasonic measuring station that is capable of radio transmission. The device can determine a patient’s body size and weight without the presence of a clinical professional. The measuring results can be automatically transmitted to the seca mBCA 525 or any other seca 360° wireless device. Therefore offering information on body composition, body size, weight and BMI in only two easy steps and with very little time or extra personnel necessary. With the push of a button, the resulting data can be wirelessly sent to a computer or printer. Learn more in our video.

The seca 360° wireless technology saves a large amount of time, usually spent on handwritten documentation and manual transmission of measuring data into a computer. This system not only saves time, it avoids mistakes and enables the installation of devices in various rooms of your practice with ease. The data transmission of the seca 360° wireless technology functions through two networks that belong only to the seca devices: the devices communicate with each other over a small network and the measuring data that is transmitted to computers, or the radio transmission printer seca 466, takes place in a larger network.

The devices from the mBCA series can be connected in various ways. The seca mBCA 515 can be connected over a network cable. The mobile device seca mBCA 525 can also be connected via wifi. To integrate a device into the large network, a reception stick seca 456 is necessary, which is simply placed into the USB slot of a computer. The system produces an individual radio protocol that transmits the data cryptographically secured. New devices can be easily and quickly registered to this large network. For transmitting the data into an existing patient data management system (PDMS),  the optional add on seca analytics 115 is available.

The seca analytics 115 can connect all seca 360° wireless products and the mBCA devices with each other. The software enables data to be exported into a clear and demonstrative graphical chart to easily analyze all results on your laptop. Many of our products, from baby scales to wheelchair scales, are part of our 360° world. With the seca 360° wireless technology at hand, you can experience the future today and boost your practice’s efficiency, with more time for your patients.

In case you are interested in learning more about our 360° connection, you can contact us here for an on-site product demonstration free or charge.


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