Sports medicine meets the mBCA
You not only opened your own practice, but also founded the SportsmedCenter and the ‘LifeBalance’ health centre. Which services do you offer here?
In the SportmedCenter we of course treat sports injuries and take care of athletes during their rehabilitation. A second pillar of our services is performance diagnostics and optimization. We follow the performance developments and support athletes in targeted training for competitions. For our performance diagnostics we use examination techniques, such as measuring the lactate in a patient’s blood, with which we can then estimate an athlete’s endurance performance. Another important diagnosis tool for our practice is the seca mBCA, which offers information about the body composition. The exact ratio between fat tissue and muscle mass is of high importance for our sports medicinal investigations.
In the ‘LifeBalance’ health center we work in the field of operative health management and we support companies in implementing various health promoting measures. Here, we place great emphasis on the Life-Balance-Method, where a customized nutrition concept and medicinal supervision are combined. Through this combination we can help patients to feel healthy and fit, into old age. The participating companies benefit from having less health issues, higher productivity and an increased employee satisfaction.
You just mentioned the seca mBCA. What is that?
The seca medical Body Composition Analyzer (mBCA) is a device for precisely measuring a patient’s body composition. By way of the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), the device determines the individual body compartments. A weak electric current is sent through the patient’s body which measures the various resistances. From these, specific sensors can quickly and easily determine how much of the patient’s body is muscle mass and fat tissue, and how much body fluid is present. For us, the amount of muscle mass is of course the most interesting information, as this tells us how healthy and active a person is and gives us insights into the person’s performance. The BIA measuring method offers us quick and precise information. By using the seca mBCA we can determine the quantity and quality of a person’s muscle mass in regards to the target area and the actual state.
Why, of all devices, have you chosen to use this one?
The seca mBCA is validated medically and its measuring results are comparable to respective gold standards. This precision and reliability is essential for our patients and also for our work with professional athletes.
Do you use the seca mBCA exclusively for sport medicinal purposes?
We use it not only for our performance diagnostics but also in control supply. The device provides important information on the body composition and our patients’ health status. Through its easy and quick use it is also a very handy tool for screening our patients during process analysis. Our patients appreciate this quick and easy measuring method. While for our athletes, is it important to check data on the development of muscle mass and training effects. The device supports our patients from the general practice in weight loss and body fat reduction. With our medicinal nutrition and treatment oriented therapy, we can achieve a weight reduction of up to 8 kg without reducing skeletal muscular mass in a time period of only two months. The seca mBCA offers therapy development insights which make the patients and therapists euphorically motivated.
Even though we offer a large amount of various diagnostic methods in our practice, the device has become essential - it has even evolved into a centerpoint for our diagnostics.
Thank you for the interview!
1. seca mBCA / 2. seca mBCA 514
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