Hamburg - seca, the leader in medically validated bioimpedance measuring devices for body composition analysis, is thrilled to announce the addition of Nik Elphick to the team as a Fitness Sales Manager. With his extensive background in the health and fitness industry, including remarkable achievements in project management, sales, and wellness program development, Nik brings just the right skills to propel our team forward, enhancing our capabilities in delivering our fitness and health revolution to the world of fitness.
In a resounding endorsement of its commitment to pioneering solutions, seca proudly secures the 35th position among Germany's most innovative companies, as per the esteemed SZ Institute of Süddeutsche Zeitung. Out of a comprehensive analysis of 2,575 companies, seca emerges as a lighthouse of innovation, firmly establishing itself in the upper levels of forward-thinking enterprises.
seca is pleased to announce the recognition of Sebastian Tils by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for his exceptional achievements in completing his apprenticeship. Alongside 73 other standout trainees, Sebastian showcased remarkable success in their final exams, scoring 91.5 out of 100 points or better – a noteworthy accomplishment among Hamburg's 13,000 apprentices.
In connection with the latest findings about Log4J vulnerabilities, seca has conducted extensive analyses to ensure the security of our devices and thus the (data) security of our customers.
The open source tool called Log4J is not used in any of our products. This means that none of our products are affected by the security vulnerabilities. In the development of our products we attach great importance to the highest security standards and will do our utmost to maintain them in the future, so that our partners can rely on us.
If you have any further questions, please contact info@seca.com.
La pandemia del COVID-19 plantea grandes retos para los médicos y los sistemas de salud en todo el mundo. En particular, las personas con afecciones preexistentes presentan un mayor riesgo de infecciones graves. Las publicaciones en revistas médicas y de organizaciones independientes indican que la medición exacta de los parámetros vitales puede desempeñar un rol importante en el tratamiento de los grupos de riesgo con COVID-19. La altura, el peso y los datos vitales como la presión sanguínea, la saturación de oxígeno, el pulso y la temperatura son, por ejemplo, importantes para la dosificación exacta de la medicación y el ajuste de los ventiladores. Adicionalmente, esta información ayuda en…
El suministro de hospitales, departamentos de emergencia y prácticas médicas tiene la mayor prioridad
En muchos países, las autoridades y las instituciones competentes han clasificado seca y su tecnología médica como sistema relevante para apoyar los sistemas de salud en la lucha contra la pandemia de COVID 19. Debido a la situación actual, la presión en salas de emergencia y hospitales es muy alta y la necesidad de tecnología médica cada vez es mayor. La compañía está manteniendo la producción y expandiendo las capacidades para atender mejor esta demanda y contribuir a la lucha contra el coronavirus.
While the whole world is attempting to slow down the number of new infections with coronavirus, we are concentrating on protecting our employees and instituting measures to make sure our production in Hamburg remains fully operational. Our production site in Hangzhou has returned to 90 percent of production capacity since China ended its shutdown. That gives us hope and sends a positive signal to everyone. We take this opportunity to thank all our employees and partners whose support and engagement are keeping our products and service available to all who need them.
EU Medical Device Regulation successfully implemented three months before it fully comes into force
As one of the first Med Tech companies in Europe, seca is the global market leader in medical measuring and weighing and has passed the official MDR (Medical Device Regulation) audit even before the new EU regulation comes into effect in May 2020. Three auditors from the Notified Body (TÜV-SÜD Product Service) analyzed and audited the seca quality management system in accordance with the MDR requirements for medical devices and assessed all of them as successfully met.