

seca Welcomes Nik Elphick as New seca TRU Fitness Sales Manager for UK

- Hamburg - seca, the leader in medically validated bioimpedance measuring devices for body composition analysis, is thrilled to announce the addition of Nik Elphick to the team as a Fitness Sales Manager. With his extensive background in the health and fitness industry, including remarkable achievements in project management, sales, and wellness program development, Nik brings just the right skills to propel our team forward, enhancing our capabilities in delivering our fitness and health revolution to the world of fitness.


- 2024年からsecaは3年保証になりました

seca: A Standout Among Germany's Top Innovative 50 Companies

- In a resounding endorsement of its commitment to pioneering solutions, seca proudly secures the 35th position among Germany's most innovative companies, as per the esteemed SZ Institute of Süddeutsche Zeitung. Out of a comprehensive analysis of 2,575 companies, seca emerges as a lighthouse of innovation, firmly establishing itself in the upper levels of forward-thinking enterprises.

Outstanding Achievement Recognized: seca Celebrates Exceptional Graduate

- seca is pleased to announce the recognition of Sebastian Tils by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce for his exceptional achievements in completing his apprenticeship. Alongside 73 other standout trainees, Sebastian showcased remarkable success in their final exams, scoring 91.5 out of 100 points or better – a noteworthy accomplishment among Hamburg's 13,000 apprentices.


- 拝啓 時下益々ご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。平素は格別のご高配を賜り厚くお礼申し上げます。 さて、修理依頼品及び修理サービスに関しまして、2023年 9 月1 日 (金)よ り、各製品の修理費用が定額制となりますことをお知らせいたします。 何卒、ご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。    今後もより一層のサービス向上に努めてまいりますので、引き続きご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 敬具 新修理体制フローチャート及び定価表はこちら


- 拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。平素は格別のご高配を賜り厚くお礼申し上げます。  さて、昨今の世界情勢並びに円安の影響により、原材料や運送費などのコストが上昇しております。弊社におきましても、本年1月1日に一部製品を値上げさせていただき、その他の製品価格は据え置きとしておりました。その後も、経費削減、生産効率化などを推進し価格維持に努めて参りましたが、現在の価格体系を維持することが困難な状況となりました。  つきましては、誠に不本意ながら 2023 年 9月 1 日 (金) より、製品および修理に関しまして全面的な価格改定をお願いしたく存じます。何卒事情をご賢察の上、ご理解ご協力賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 敬具 対象製品と新価格はこちら

Log4j security vulnerability - seca products are not affected.

- In connection with the latest findings about Log4J vulnerabilities, seca has conducted extensive analyses to ensure the security of our devices and thus the (data) security of our customers. The open source tool called Log4J is not used in any of our products. This means that none of our products are affected by the security vulnerabilities. In the development of our products we attach great importance to the highest security standards and will do our utmost to maintain them in the future, so that our partners can rely on us. If you have any further questions, please contact

COVID-19: Do not ignore basic parameters such as weight, height, and vital signs, especially in risk groups

- The COVID-19 pandemic poses major challenges to doctors and health systems worldwide. People with pre-existing health conditions have an even higher risk of experiencing a severe infection. Publications in medical journals and by independent organizations indicate that the exact measurement of vital parameters can play a major role in the treatment of risk groups with COVID-19. Height, weight, and vital signs such as blood pressure, oxygen saturation, pulse, and temperature are relevant for the exact dosage of medications and ventilator settings. In addition, this information helps with disease diagnosis and follow-up control measures.