
We provide you with detailed instructions on how to configure your mBCA 514/515 yourself.

Install by Yourself

If you decide to implement it yourself, you can use our step-by-step instructions. We have structured the instructions to give you a clear overview of the steps required. Our aim is to ensure that you get the best possible use out of these instructions without feeling overwhelmed by complex technical details.

Please note the minimum requirements for your PC. You can find these under the following link: Minimum requirements.
You also need administrative rights on your PC for the installation and connection.
Furthermore you will need to open some ports in your firewall programmes to connect your mBCA. You can find more information here: Link: Firewall and Ports.


Instructions for use for Doctors and Assistants

Here you will find the instructions for use for doctors and assistants for the mBCA 514/515

Administration Manual 514/515

Here you will find the administration manual for the mBCA 514/515