seca 新闻。

公司新闻 。

Global medical societies define reduced muscle mass as an independent criterion for diagnosis of malnutrition

Validated BIA from seca conforms to consensus on diagnostic methods

- The international societies ASPEN, ESPEN, FELANPE and PENSA established the Global Leadership Initiative in Malnutrition (GLIM) to build a worldwide consensus for diagnostic criteria for malnutrition. The consensus report published in September 2018 elevates reduced muscle mass to one of the decisive, independent evaluation criteria used in the diagnosis of malnutrition. seca welcomes this step, which the company sees as validation of its advocacy of improved diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition.

16th international branch: seca opens Benelux office

German medical technology company to build on successful projects in viable Benelux markets

- Right on the heels of the November opening of the seca | lietuva site, the market leader in medical measuring systems and scales has opened its 16th international subsidiary seca | benelux. The company sees great potential in the progressive healthcare sector in Benelux countries and opportunities for sales, particularly of its EMR-ready and digital measuring solutions.

seca opens development site in Lithuania

- seca, the global market leader in medical measuring systems and scales, is opening its 15th branch in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius. With the establishment of the first site dedicated to development only, seca is driving forward its digital transformation from a scale manufacturer to a software and system provider. seca will first hire 10 IT specialists to develop a new software solution that will take seca into new medical business fields. The team is expected to grow to 25 employees by 2021.

seca earns certification according to ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP)

Quality management satisfies global requirements and secures seca competitive advantages

- The German and French quality management systems of seca, the leading manufacturer of medical measuring systems and scales, have been certified according to the revised standards ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 in an audit conducted by TÜV-Süd. In addition, the quality management system at seca headquarters in Hamburg received the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) certificate. It shows that seca officially satisfies not only the legal requirements in Europe, but also in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and Brazil.

OECD Forum 2018

seca calls for integrated obesity strategy in OECD countries

- Under the motto "What brings us together – moving from diagnosis to action", representatives of the 35 OECD member countries discussed pressing healthcare and economic issues at the OECD Forum in Paris on 29 and 30 May. At the event seca advocated greater clarification and integrated approaches to obesity prevention and care. Forum participants experienced live demonstrations of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and learned that body composition analysis is a better measure than BMI for optimizing obesity diagnostics and treatment and a critical element in an integrated obesity strategy.

"Global markets and digitalization demand diversification"

Robert Vogel, Managing Director for Sales & Marketing, regarding MEDICA 2017

- Around the world, from Germany and Poland to China, the practicing physicians, clinicians and caregivers who use seca products face the same challenge. Today medical personnel are measured against criteria for efficiency, cost awareness and patient safety. The right solution depends largely on the area of application, the market and a medical facility's particular needs and circumstances. At MEDICA seca presented new products and solutions which have a fitting response to every requirement.


seca advances digital transformation // Fully integrated system solutions for more safety and efficiency

- Digitalization in the world of medicine is one of the trending topics at MEDICA 2017. From 13 to 16 November in Hall 12 at Stand A63 seca will show how the newest integration solutions in medical measuring and weighing simplify labor and time-consuming procedures and increase efficiency and safety in everyday hospital work. Users can save up to 90 minutes per shift with automated data capture, documentation and archiving.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pirlich becomes member of mBCA science center Advisory Board

International platform for Medical Body Composition Analysis (mBCA) gains another expert with global reputation in nutrition medicine

- Prof. Dr. Matthias Pirlich is joining the Advisory Board of the mBCA science center whose other members are Prof. Dr. Dr. Anja Bosy-Westphal (Director of the Institute for Applied Nutritional Science and Dietetics at the University of Hohenheim) and Dr. Stephen Wootton (Associate Professor at the University of Southampton). Given his practical experience as chief physician in the internal medicine department at the Evangelical Elisabeth Klinik in Berlin and as General Secretary of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), Professor Pirlich is recognized as a leading expert with a worldwide reputation in nutrition medicine.